Chris Graham Associates – Sunshine Coast, Australia and London, United Kingdom.

Training and Learning support at all levels in any Organisation.

Our aim is to be inspirational, leaving a lasting and significant impression whilst providing individuals with the confidence and practical tools to affect positive change.   We are enthusiastic and passionate about our work and clients, quickly gaining confidence and trust of people at all levels within an Organisation.  We are able to with individuals on complex issues in a pragmatic and accessible manner.  Our training sessions are inclusive, highly participative, drawing on real life experience, both humorous and enlightening.

With over 20 years experience, Chris Graham Associates has delivered services to a diverse range of public and private sector organisations, developing three broad areas of expertise.

Management and Leadership:

Chris Graham Associates Management Support Programs place great emphasis on introducing practical strategies, user friendly tools to develop skills and harness staff potential.

Learning and Development:

Developing the skills of the Learning Specialist, Manager and staff member, or at an organisational level developing Learning and Development Systems.

Personal Development:

Developing confidence, self awareness and self empowerment.